The tale unfolds around an ancient witch from the Ukrainian town of Konotop, who long ago abandoned her extraordinary powers after falling in love with a mortal man. However, tragedy strikes when her beloved is brutally murdered by the russian soldiers as they occupy Konotop in February 2022. Fueled by grief and a thirst for revenge, she reclaims her supernatural abilities, embarking on a blood-soaked quest to mete out justice to her fiancé's killers.
Cast & Crew
- Tetiana Malkova , Taras Tsymbaliuk , Olena Khokhlatkina , Ivan Sharan , Pavlo Vyshniakov , Yaroslav Shakhtorin , Artem Sahitov , Serhii Sosnovtsev
- Andrii Kolesnyk
- Oleksandra Lozynska, Kyrylo Horobets